Ice skates and roller skates may not be worn inside the hotel. Skateboards may be carried as props, but not ridden.
Weapons that fire projectiles (real guns, pellet guns, Nerf guns, squirt guns, et cetera) are not permitted. Realistic prop guns must have an orange tip.
Weapons may not have metal blades.
All props must be handled responsibly. Remember, hallways and rooms can be crowded, and if you break merchandise in the dealers’ room or cause damage to the hotel, you will be expected to pay for it! For everyone’s safety, please carry and handle your props carefully, and be aware of who and what is around you.
If your costume is unusually bulky (for example, if it has wings or large protruding spikes) or impairs your vision, please take care not to bump into other attendees! Consider asking a friend to act as your spotter if necessary – both for your own safety, and that of others.
If Who’s Yer Con staff decide that a weapon or prop is not appropriate, you may be asked to leave it in your room or car, or the item may be confiscated until the end of the convention. If staff decide that a costume is inappropriate, you may be asked to change your clothing or cover some part of the cosplay (or yourself).
Everything that comes onto the stage with you must leave the stage with you! That means no glitter, no feathers, and no confetti!
No pyrotechnics of any kind may be used! No fireworks, no flash paper, no open flames! If in doubt, ask!
The stage is not suitable for vigorous activities such as cartwheels or mock combat. If you aren't sure whether your poses will be okay, please check with the event coordinator.