Virtual Greyhawk Con 2023

Fell Tidings at Willow Blight Abbey

Your party finally reaches the garrison, only to find out a local cleric was abducted and the relic he studied taken by a hobgoblin shaman and his forces. The trail leads to a long-forgotten abbey located in the Jotens. Can you save the cleric and the relic before they are lost forever?

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Event Number 7
Event Type {{}}
Age Range {{[] }}
Maximum Tickets 6
Cost $0.00
Time Zone This is an online convention. Times are in your Helper Time Zone,local to you in {{ use_tz }} (UTC {{ '2023-10-07 19:00:00' | timezone_offset: use_tz }})
Where & When (local to you in {{ use_tz }})
This event is online.
{{ | datetimezone: use_tz : 'dddd, MMMM D' }} from {{ '2023-10-07 19:00:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }} to {{ '2023-10-07 22:50:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }}
RPG001 in Discord category "RPG Gaming Tables"
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Your party finally reaches the garrison, only to find out a local cleric was abducted and the relic he studied taken by a hobgoblin shaman and his forces. The trail leads to a long-forgotten abbey located in the Jotens. Can you save the cleric and the relic before they are lost forever to the evil designs of Maglubiyet’s priest? A Greyhawk adventure, 576CY. Characters provided, levels 4-6, 1E AD&D rules primarily with a bit of 2E.