Registration Policy: The Convention Registration Fee is a Membership Fee, NOT an Entry Fee. Registration Fees are Membership Dues, which allows attendees all benefits of Tri-State Gamers Membership. All checks for registration can be written to “Tri-State Gamers”. A $25.00 fee will be charged for NSF returned checks.
Attendance Policy: All Participants are required to wear their badges at all times. If you lose it, another may be purchased at normal prices. The Convention Manager reserves the right to remove anyone displaying unacceptable behavior. Visitor status confers the following benefits and limitations: Visitors May observe, but not participate in gaming events. Visitors May take materials on the freebee tables. Visitors May make purchases at the dealer tables. Visitors May participate in special events (art contest, miniature painting, costume contest and auction) under ineligible status. (meaning ineligible to receive prizes other than honorable mention) Visitors May act as security or registration volunteers. Visitors Do Not receive On-site booklets or registration materials.
Event Fees: Some tournaments or other scheduled events may require a registration fee to participate. These fees MUST be listed on the event registration form and collected prior to the start of the event. Tri-State Gamers is NOT responsible for these fees.
Event Registration: Anyone who signs up using the online form will have first priority based on their time stamp, after that, everyone would be added to back-up player status. You can also sign-up at the event itself, this is the common way people sign-up.
Open Gaming: Open gaming is both allowed and encouraged at all Tri-State Gamers Conventions. Ask at the information booth for available tables and then list your game on the open Gaming Bulletin Board.
Costumes: All attendees are encouraged to wear costumes, but please show good taste. Real weapons will not be allowed, only items that are clearly fake. No gun or gun replicas, unless Nerf or foam. Convention manager and staff reserve the right to bar entrance to the convention area to anyone in a costume that is deemed to be offensive or not in good taste. If this is the case, you will be allowed entrance once you have changed out of costuming.
Food/Alcohol Policy: Convention attendees are free to bring their own food into the convention area. We are unable to provide concessions at the Delta Conference Center. Alcohol is not allowed in any of the gaming areas.
Volunteer/Con Bucks: You will be reimbursed per event for up to 3 events. You will be awarded in Con Bucks that may be spent at vendors. Each Con Buck can be redeemed at that vendor for $5 value in merchandise. (Any GM who receives a comped badge will not receive Con Bucks)
GM Policy: GM’s have the right to refuse seating to a player if they feel that player will be disruptive. GMs earn Con Bucks based on the above Con Bucks policy. We ask GMs to try and be 15 minutes early for their event and prepared. If you’re going to be late, please try and contact the Con staff to inform them. Pick up the registration sheet for your event 5 minutes prior to the event and have your players print and sign their names on it. (Any GM who receives a comped badge will not receive Con Bucks)
Harassment Policy: Harassment will not be tolerated at our convention. Anyone displaying inappropriate behavior may be asked to leave at the Con Manager/Staff discretion. No refunds will be given in this situation. Please just be respectful of others around you.
Any other question regarding convention policies, please contact the Con Management staff.