TokenCon 2025

Frequently Asked Questions


1) What is the price of entry to TokenCon?

The earlier you purchase your badge, the less expensive it will be. The door prices are as follows, but early bird and advanced price badges may be purchased online at a discount.

2) What is a Gamer in Training Badge?

This is a badge specifically designed for younger gamers (aged 8 to 13), who are capable of playing many games, but still young enough to require parental supervision.

This badge allows the young gamer to enjoy all 3 days of the convention at a reduced price.

3) Do my children need badges too?

All children under 8 do not need a badge. However, there will be limited activities available for children under 8 and they will need to be under your supervision at all times.

Children aged 8 to 13 will need a badge, but we have a reduced price Gamer-in-Training badge for this age group.

All children 14 and over will need a valid full convention or single day badge, as an adult does.

4) What is the difference between a badge and a ticket?

A badge is required to gain access to TokenCon. It is also used to allow you to be identified, to check games out of the library, to submit events, to be automatically entered into prizes draws, to win Play-to-win (PTW) games, to sign up for scheduled events, and to access the various areas of the convention venue.

A ticket is the term used to describe signing up for an event. All tickets are free and will reserve your place in a game. You are only allowed one ticket per event for each badge and there are certain other restrictions on tickets to prevent accidentally double-booking yourself or reserving all the seats in games with our special guest(s).

Tickets are virtual, in that they will reserve your place, but you will not receive a physical ticket. Once your ticket has been reserved, you just show up to the event at the relevant time to be included. Please cancel tickets if you know you cannot make a scheduled event.

5) Why do some events not allow me to get tickets?

Some events are not ticketed. This is especially true of our panel discussions and special events, like the Flea Market. These types of events are open to everyone on a first come, first served basis, and we will try to accommodate everyone who is interested.

In some cases, a ticketed event may have all the places already taken. This would remove the usual "Get" button also. However, you can still click on the event and select the "Notify Me" option to be added to a waitlist. In the case of someone dropping out, you will be contacted if you are on the wait list.


1) Is the convention suitable for children?

The convention is suitable for all ages, subject to their maturity level. The extensive game library will not feature a huge selection of games specifically aimed at children and it will be up to the parent's discretion as to whether their children are sufficiently capable of enjoying the games and events available.

We have a reduced price Gamer-in-Training badge for children aged 8 to 13.

Also, please note we do not have any onsite childcare, so your children are your responsibility at all times.

2) May I bring my own games?

Absolutely! Although there will be an extensive collection of games available to play from the convention library, you are completely welcome to bring any of your own favorite games to play.

3) Will there be vendors at the convention?

Yes, there will be quite a few vendors at the convention. We will make more announcements regarding vendors in the near future.

4) How does the game library work?

The game library will include a large selection of board games, which will be available for you to borrow and play. You can check out as many games as you want, during the convention, as long as you check out one at a time. You will be free to browse all the titles and take your selection to the checkout desk. Your convention badge is required for checking out games.

When you are finished with the game, return it to the library to be checked back in, allowing you to then check out something else.

Please return all games from the "new" section of the library within 4 hours of checkout. All other games should be returned within 6 hours (with some exceptions for longer games).

5) Do you have a list of games in the game library?

The complete list of games available will continue to be modified right up until the date of the convention, as we try to make available the very latest 'hot' releases. We will publish the provisional game list a couple of months before the convention and try to keep it updated as changes are made. Until then, you can see the library from our last convention to give you an idea of what to expect: TokenCon 2024 game library. If anyone has any specific requests for games, please use any of the contact options to let us know your preferences.

6) How does Play-to-Win (PTW) work?

Play-to-Win (PTW) games may be checked out of the library like any other. They will stored in the library on specific PTW shelves, and marked with the letters "PTW" on the white QR code sticker.

Everyone who plays a PTW game will be eligible to win it in a drawing toward the end of the convention. The person checking out the game will be entered automatically, but you will need to provide the names/badge numbers of other players to make sure they are entered into the draw.

The winner of each PTW game will be chosen at random and winners will be announced at 3pm on Sunday.

Each badge holder is only eligible to win one PTW game and only one entry per person, per game will be included in the drawing, so adding your name multiple times will have no additional effect on the outcome. In the rare case where a PTW game only has entrants who have already won a game, all entrants will be eligible to win their second (or subsequent) game. Each game winner will be selected in order of the ranking of the game on the Boardgamegeek website, from highest to lowest rank, so that you will never lose out on the chance to win a higher ranked game by having already won a lower ranked one.

To give everyone a fair chance to try PTW games, there is a maximum checkout time of 4 hours for PTW games. If a PTW game is checked out for longer than four hours, the badge holder will be automatically disqualified from a chance to win the game.

PTW games are sponsored by the publishers. They provide their games to the PTW program in order to have them played by as many people as possible. We thank the publishers for their generosity in providing us with the games.

7) What if I win a game and I am not present to collect it?

We appreciate there are some people who will not be at the convention the entire time or will need to leave early. We want everyone to be able to accept any prizes they win. We provide the following options in such cases:

Winners of all uncollected prize(s) will be notified by email and can choose how they would like to receive their prize(s). Any uncollected by the end of May 2025 will become forfeit and assumed donated to the Oklahoma Board Game Community.

8) How do tournaments work?

The standard format for our State Championship tournaments is defined by Envoy and may vary slightly by game, in consultation with the publisher. Generally there will be a series of 3 preliminary games to reduce the field from 16 to 8, a semi-final to find the final 4 and a final table to declare the winner. This means the final table players would all play a maximum of 5 games.

Championship Tournament winners receive a trophy, a copy of the game, a seat at the next round of the US National Championship (at Geekway to the West 2025), including a free badge for the venue of the next round. All other finalists receive a copy of the game. The US National Championship final will be held at GENCON 2025, so winners could ultimately win a GENCON badge.

In addition to the State Championship Tournaments, we host publisher-sanctioned "Road to GENCON" tournaments for several games, which play similar to the State Championship tournaments, with a trophy and free badge to GENCON 2025 for the winner.

We may also have tournaments which are not publisher-sanctioned Championships. In these cases, the tournament format may be different, but should be described in the scheduled event page.


1) Is there a special room rate for the convention?

Yes. We have reserved a block of rooms for the convention, with a discounted room rate of just $119/night, which can be booked through the 'Book Now' link on the home page of this website. This room rate also includes 2 breakfast buffet vouchers per night. If you have any difficulties with the link, please call the hotel directly and tell them you are trying to book a room for TokenCon. They will give you the same discounted rate, as long as there are still rooms available.

2) Is food and drink allowed in the venue?

As a general rule, no outside food or drink is allowed in the main gaming halls. However, there will be water stations provided throughout the convention area and personal water bottles are allowed.

There will be snacks available for purchase at a hotel-run snack bar, as well as some vendors offering food options.

For further food and drink options, the hotel has an onsite restaurant and small shop, and there are many restaurants in the local area also.

Vendors & Sponsors

1) Who do I contact about sponsorship or a vendor booth?

Please contact to discuss vendor booths or other sponsorship options. Vendor booths are expected to go on sale at the same time as badges, although booth locations will be decided and communicated at a later time.

2) I am a game designer/publisher. How do I make sure my game is in your library?

We are always happy to add more games to the convention library and help promote new titles. You may send copies of your game to include in our library, to be used in our 'Play to Win' section, or to be used as prizes. Please use any of the contact options for further details.