The King’s Table Con Etiquette
1. Respect and enjoy the people! The King's Table is a gaming convention, but it's the people that will make it great. So have fun playing games, but meet some new folks while you do it. If you're arriving with a group, invite others to join you. Be friendly and welcoming to all attendees. Everyone here shares at least one interest, and a shared interest is a great way for friendships to begin!
2. How do I find a game to play in? The easiest way to find games is to sign up for scheduled games at the registration area. Otherwise, there may be various groups of players more than willing to let you join them. If you see a group setting up a game you’re interested in, feel free to ask if they need another player. You could also visit the game library and see who else is looking at games to play -- this is a great way to find other gamers looking to start something and you could even help decide on a game. Finally, if all else fails, grab a game from the library or something that you brought from home, and start setting it up on an empty table. More than likely, there will be others walking around looking to get into a game.
3. What if I’m interested in a game but don’t know how to play? All scheduled games should begin with an introduction and rules overview. It’s incredibly rare that everyone at a table will already know how to play a game, so you won’t be alone. This being the case, please try to make it to your scheduled games on time so the teacher can begin explaining the rules. In the open gaming area, the person running the game will normally be very willing and able to walk you through the rules.
4. Make each game you play a positive experience for all players. Gaming is a social experience. It therefore stands to reason that if your gamemates are having a good time, you’re more likely to enjoy yourself as well. When playing a game you know well, please try to avoid “alpha-gaming” or telling the other players what to do on each of their turns. Many gamers will focus on learning the mechanics of a game the first time they play rather than making the most optimal decisions, so let them. If a less experienced player asks for advice, then help them!
5. Be a good sport! Winning is fun, but relationships are more important. Focusing on how well you do in a game rather than how much fun is had during a game is a very swift route to being a gaming jerk. Save strong competitiveness for tournaments.
6. Respect the game pieces. Nice people are lending games from their collections for your use. Please respect the cards and other game pieces by using clean hands and by not eating nor drinking near the game. Keep the gaming area clean and organized and put away the game with care.
7. Make The King’s Table a family atmosphere. Remember that young children may attend the convention and we want it to be a family event. Please be respectful and avoid crude language.