The Discovery Zone


Hello! I am The Gaming Lady and I host tabletop game demos and events at various conventions, events, game stores, and online.

I started my journey into the board game industry back in May of 2015 when I became an Envoy Herald with Double Exposure, Inc. I also joined the Indie Games Alliance in November of 2020.

When the pandemic hit in 2020 and all in-person events were canceled, I started hosting game demos online as well. I started hosting them on a Discord server called Meeps & Peeps and then later started my own Discord server.

In 2022, I started branding myself under my pseudonym, The Gaming Lady, as I went to various conventions and events. My hope is to become a marketing and event resource for tabletop game publishers on my own.

This year, I'm starting my own online convention - The Discovery Zone! Purchasing an attendee badge will gain you access to the 60+ board and video game events my group and I are hosting for people.

Please Note:

  • Events will be hosted on my Discord server - attendee badge holders will receive a link to the server via email.
  • Check each event to see what systems/apps you'll need to have to be able to join the game.

Let's find fun together! :)



Badges Tickets

Event Submissions

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Deadline: {{ | datetimezone: 'client' : 'ddd, MMM D, YYYY h:mm A z' }}


{{ | amDateFormat:'ddd, MMM D YYYY, h:mma'}} - {{ | amDateFormat:'h:mma'}}

Times are local to you ({{ use_tz }}).

Convention Held On-Line

This is an online convention. Times are in your Helper Time Zone,local to you in {{ use_tz }} (UTC {{ '2025-03-21 16:00:00' | timezone_offset: use_tz }}), unless otherwise noted.

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