TAGCON is an annual board game convention in the Tri-Cities that welcomes anyone and everyone who wants to play board games, card games, and roleplaying games.

We have a large library of games on hand and available for checkout. In addition, you should feel free to bring games that you'd like to play or teach to other people.

At TAGCON the only thing better than an old favorite is learning something new, and the only thing better than the group you game with is adding a new member to the fold.


We want everyone who comes to TAGCON to feel welcome and safe, because playing games is something everyone should be able to enjoy no matter who they are. With that in mind, please check out our Code of Conduct so you'll know what to expect at our events. If you have any questions or would like to request accommodations, please email president@tricityareagaming.org.

If you are the caregiver of an attendee, we will provide you with a free badge.

Free badges will also be made available to people volunteering 8 hours or more. Contact president@tricityareagaming.org for more information!

Also, Tri-City Area Gaming is offering half-price ($20) badges to people who would like to attend the convention but are dealing with financial hardship: forms.gle/mKvdF5v3w9Q7A2dZ8. We are also offering half-price badges to students and educators.

If you would like to help us cover our costs for subsidized badges, toss a coin to your gamers at tricityareagaming.org!

We have Vendor Spots avaialable! Head on over to our Vendor Application Form for details on how you can sell stuff at TAGCON!


Badges Tickets Pending

Event Submissions

Submit Events
Deadline: {{ convention.properties.event_submission_deadline | datetimezone: 'client' : 'ddd, MMM D, YYYY h:mm A z' }}


{{day.properties.public_start_date | amDateFormat:'ddd, MMM D YYYY, h:mma'}} - {{day.properties.public_end_date | amDateFormat:'h:mma'}}

Time zone: America/Los_Angeles (UTC {{ '2025-04-18 16:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Los_Angeles' }})


Pasco, Washington

Contact Us

Web Site


(509) 416-6386‬




HAPO Center

6600 Burden Blvd, Pasco, WA 99301, USA

Time zone: America/Los_Angeles (UTC {{ '2025-04-18 16:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Los_Angeles' }})

  Driving Directions

  Web Site

  (509) 543-2999

This year we'll be at the fabulous HAPO Center in Pasco, WA. The HAPO Center is surrounded by hotels and awesome food options in the heart of West Pasco.

This will be the largest TAG event ever, and we can't wait to see you there!