Salt Lake Gaming Con 2019

Salt Lake Gaming Con 2019

Salt Lake Gaming Con is one of the top10 biggest gaming conventions in the country. We focus on providing our attendees the opportunity to experience gaming on a whole new level.

We provide entertainment options for all types of gamers from casual to professional across all the gaming options. From tabletop to virtual reality. From RPG to eSports. From LARP to Pinball. We've got it all.

With regards to analog games we have RPG events, open board gaming, tournaments across all types of tabletop styles, prototype demos and more.

See you at the Con!



Badges Suspended Tickets Suspended


{{ | amDateFormat:'ddd, MMM D YYYY, h:mma'}} - {{ | amDateFormat:'h:mma'}}

Time zone: America/Denver (UTC {{ '2019-06-27 20:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Denver' }})


Salt Lake City, Utah


Salt Palace Convention Center

100 S W Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84101, USA

Time zone: America/Denver (UTC {{ '2019-06-27 20:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Denver' }})

  Driving Directions

  Web Site

  (385) 468-2222