Protospiel Twin Cities 2024

Protospiel Twin Cities 2024

Protospiel TC 2024 is over!

Thank you Everyone

Check out next year:

About Protospiel

What Is A Protospiel Event? If you are a person who has designed their own game (or games) or even thought about making your own game (and are curious), then Protospiel is a great opportunity to connect with other people like you, get a huge amount of feedback, test your game many times, and experience all types of game designs.

If you’re a gamer who likes to try out new things, then Protospiel is a unique experience where your input is extremely valuable.

Overall, Protospiel Twin Cities is about collaboration and the development of the analog game design field of study. Anyone is welcome and everyone should have fun!

What kind of games will be there? Games in all stages of completion are welcome, even ones made on the spot, at the Con. Any type of game is welcome, from board games, to card game, social deduction games, to role playing games. Anything that centers around a group of people, socially interacting.

Feel free to check out the prototypes people are bringing or list your own!

NOTE that since expansions are the lifeblood of the board gaming industry, they are welcome! Regardless if the base game is published, prototype expansions are allowed (and encouraged) at Protospiel Twin Cities.

How does it work? Protospiel uses a free-flowing, attendee-driven format: show up, introduce yourself, sit at a table, play some games. There is no formal structure to the event, other than having a room filled with tables for everyone to use. Of course, taking time to network, talk shop, grab a meal, etc., with those you meet is highly encouraged as well.

See the Protospiel 101 list for expected behavior and guidelines. Protospiel Twin Cities is not for disrespectful or rude behavior. Let people finish speaking before jumping in, allows others to share their opinion, and above all do not tell people their game is "unpublishable".

What else is there? Protospiel Twin Cities will have a room for panels! This will follow the traditional convention pattern of either one or more speakers, presenting or interacting with the audience. Each panel will be different that ProtospielTC will be soliciting panel ideas soon.

Is there more? Why yes, we will be providing some snacks and beverages including a variety of soda, coffee, and teas. We are also currently budgeting/researching having a possible meal or two delivered/catered. Please check out The Venue for additional information.

Any other questions? Use the links in the "Contact Us" section on the right to ask any further questions you might have about this event.

Rules (the boring stuff)

Please check out our Policies for this convention. Let's all have fun!

Protospiel 101

No Scheduled Games!
There are no scheduled games, so no need to sign up or get tickets. Just find people ready to play. Sometimes there will be a Concierge on hand to facilitate this, other times, feel free to wander.
Offer Feedback, Not Critism!
Listen to what kind of feedback the designer is looking for. Be constructive. Feel free to mention similar games, but do not tell people they have made the same game as already exists! These are prototypes and the focus is on making a game better.
Everyone has an Opinion!
Everyone should embrace that there is More Than One Way to Do It. Present your ideas as opinions ("I think...", "I feel..") not as absolute fact. The board game market is varied and diverse.
Be Present!
Be considerate! Put away your phone! Stop talking to people during rules instructions. If you cannot pay attention for a game, then take some quiet time away from the Con.
Listen to feedback!
Assume we are all here to help each other. Try not to focus on why a player's feedback is wrong. Decide later which feedback to use and which to ignore. Realize that feedback you receive will be biased from the speaker's viewpoint.


Badges Closed

Merch Sales



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Time zone: America/Chicago (UTC {{ '2024-05-31 15:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Chicago' }})


Roseville, Minnesota

Contact Us



Roseville Skating Center

2661 Civic Center Dr, St Paul, MN 55113, USA

Time zone: America/Chicago (UTC {{ '2024-05-31 15:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Chicago' }})

  Driving Directions

  Web Site

  (651) 792-7007

Plenty of free parking, free Wi-Fi, may bring your own food and drinks (non-alchoholic, per Policy) and more. Check it the Venue Information page!.