Protospiel San Jose 2017

ROM: An unforgettable twist on the classic memory game

Players take turns revealing cards and trying to find matches, while collecting special power ups along the way. The player with the most matched tiles wins the game. Great for all ages.

ROM takes the classic game of memory and adds Bomb, Peek, Shuffle, Nope, and Swipe cards to help spice things up. Players take turns revealing cards and trying to find matches. If a player reveals two matching shape tiles, then they get to try again. If they match two power tiles, then they get to use that special power. If they find a Nope tile, then their turn ends and the next player begins.

The stylistic "trixel" art really stands out in this game, and the power cards add a surprising amount of strategy.

Designer docpop
Development Status Nearing Completion
Expected Play Time 15 minutes
Number of Players 2 to 5
Intended Audience Casual
Interest Level {{}} players

Interested Players
FIXME only if public profile allowed !! {{}}
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