Protospiel Albuquerque 2023

Protospiel is coming back to the southwest!

  • September 22-24, 2023

Our inaugural Albuquerque protospiel! This weekend event is a chance for board game designers to come together, playtest their latest creations, and receive feedback from other designers and playtesters.


  • Designer Weekend - $60
  • Playtester Weekend - $15
  • Publisher - Contact us!

Badges sold at the door will be higher than online.

Who can come?

Whether you're an experienced designer or a first-timer, protospiel is the perfect opportunity to try out new ideas and refine your game mechanics. Our event is open to all types of board games, from strategy and party games to card games. If you just like to play others games and provide feedback you can also come as a playtester to help the local community refine their games.

A bit more about Protospiel.

The atmosphere at protospiel is relaxed and friendly, with plenty of opportunities to meet other designers, swap ideas, and make new connections in the industry. You'll be able to bring your own game prototypes to playtest, and there will be plenty of other designers and playtesters eager to try them out.


  • The Game Crafter This year The Game Crafter will be supplying prototype materials, some TGC Promotional items and some fail faster Prototype notebooks.

We have other sponsors on the horizon. More to come including bringing a Protospiel Bingo to the event.

Protospiel Albuquerque Game Jam.

  • Friday 10AM Theme Release
  • Sunday 10AM Jam ends

A game jam is a timed, often 48 hour, game design challenge. where you can see if you can make a game in the limited time. this design challenge is completely friendly and optional.


Typically when you sit down to play your game with others you will meet other designers and play each other's games and provide feedback then move on to another game. There is no schedule for games and it's pretty free form and players are encouraged to play as many games if not more than they teach.


Overall, protospiel is a great way to connect with other board game designers, playtest your latest creation, and improve your games. We look forward to seeing you at our next event!


Badges Closed


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Time zone: America/Denver (UTC {{ '2023-09-22 15:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Denver' }})


Albuquerque, New Mexico

Contact Us





Marriott Albuquerque

2101 Louisiana Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110, USA

Time zone: America/Denver (UTC {{ '2023-09-22 15:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Denver' }})

  Driving Directions

  Web Site

  (505) 881-6800