Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo: PAGE 2

Updated 05-06-2024

General Questions

Q: What is the parking situation at PAGE?

Q: What halls is the convention located in?

Q: Is there hotel attached to the convention center?

Q: Is food available at the convention center?

Q: Is outside food and drink allowed in the convention center?

Charitable Status

Q: Is the Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo a non-profit entity?

Q: What is the convention's charitable initiative?


Q: Can I get in for free if I run games or volunteer?

Q: Do you have special pricing for children?

Q: Can I just drop my kids off and allow them to participate if I am not present?

Q: I just want to attend so I can go to the vendor's area, game flea market or charity game auction Do I need to purchase a badge for that?

Q: I just want to be a vendor at the used game flea market on Saturday. Do I need to purchase a badge?

Game Auction

Q: I want to put items in the game auction but cannot attend the convention. Can I ship the items in and have you auction them for me?

Q: Can I bid in the Charity Game Auction virtually if I can't attend?

Q: How does online proxy bidding work?

Q: When will a list of auction items be available for review if I am going to bid remotely?

Q: How will I place the online proxy bid?

Q: Will there be items in the auction that are not on the December 15th list?

Q: If I put items in the auction for sale, when and how will I receive the proceeds?

Q: What fees are applicable to items I sell in the auction?

Q: Can I just donate items to be auctioned?

Q: What fees are applicable to me as a buyer at the auction?
