Updated 05-06-2024
General Questions
Q: What is the parking situation at PAGE?
- A: Parking is ample and free onsite
Q: What halls is the convention located in?
- A: Halls D and E. Entry is through Hall D.
Q: Is there hotel attached to the convention center?
A: No, but the Hilton Garden Inn is less than a 1/2 mile away and will be providing free shuttle service to and from the venue throughout the days and evenings of the convention. We also have close to 5000 sf of meeting space available for open gaming, overnight gaming and special events at the Hilton Garden Inn. Our room block at the Hilton Garden Inn is SOLD OUT. We have now opened our room block at the Hampton Inn at 100 Cresson Blvd in Phoenixville. It is located next door to the Hilton Garden Inn and the shuttle will service both hotels back and forth to the convention center.
Click here to book your room in the convention's room block at the Hampton Inn located at 100 Cresson Blvd in Phoenixville PA.
Q: Is food available at the convention center?
- A: Feel free to bring your own.
Q: Is outside food and drink allowed in the convention center?
- A: Technically no, but we aren't looking for violators.
Charitable Status
Q: Is the Philadelphia Area Gaming Expo a non-profit entity?
- A: Yes. We have been granted 501c3 status by the Internal Revenue Service.
Q: What is the convention's charitable initiative?
- A: Please click the link called Gamer Assistance Program under the 'Attend' tab above for full details.
Q: Can I get in for free if I run games or volunteer?
- A: Yes. Any combination of 12 hours of GMing or volunteering will entitle you to free admission.
Q: Do you have special pricing for children?
- A: Children under the age of 10 are admitted for free when attending with a badged adult. Children 11 and older require a badge. Individual event fees are still applicable to children under the age of 10 participating in games.
Q: Can I just drop my kids off and allow them to participate if I am not present?
- A: Children under 15 must be accompanied by a badged adult. 16-17 year olds may play 'on their own' without being accompanied, but we will require contact info for a parent or guardian.
Q: I just want to attend so I can go to the vendor's area, game flea market or charity game auction Do I need to purchase a badge for that?
Q: I just want to be a vendor at the used game flea market on Saturday. Do I need to purchase a badge?
Game Auction
Q: I want to put items in the game auction but cannot attend the convention. Can I ship the items in and have you auction them for me?
- A: Yes. Email Ron@PhillyGamingExpo.com to go over the details.
Q: Can I bid in the Charity Game Auction virtually if I can't attend?
- A: Yes, this year the auction will be streamed live via Discord. Please see
Q: How does online proxy bidding work?
Q: When will a list of auction items be available for review if I am going to bid remotely?
- A: We are hoping to have a list of items posted and available for proxy bidding sometime around December 15th.
Q: How will I place the online proxy bid?
- A: After you are pre-approved as a bidder, you will receive instructions on how to participate in the auction.
Q: Will there be items in the auction that are not on the December 15th list?
- A: Yes. Anything we receive after December 15th or at the convention itself will be there.
Q: If I put items in the auction for sale, when and how will I receive the proceeds?
- A: For proceeds under $200, by noon Sunday if you are present at the convention. Payments will be provided via check or cash at the convention. All other payouts will be paid out between January 24th and 30th, 2025 via check or Paypal.
Q: What fees are applicable to items I sell in the auction?
- A: A 10% auctioneer fee is charged to sellers, or $1 per item, whichever is greater. The 10% auctioneer fee goes directly to the convention's Gamer Assistance Program (GAP) Charitable Initiative Program. Additionally, credit card purchases will be subject to a 3.5% convenience fee.
Q: Can I just donate items to be auctioned?
- A: Yes. 100% of the proceeds from donated items go into the GAP program. PAGE will provide you a charitable contribution receipt for the sale price of your donation.
Q: What fees are applicable to me as a buyer at the auction?
- A: A 10% buyer's premium is added to the final sale price of the item. The buyer's fee monies are placed in the Gamers Assistance Program. A 3.5% convenience fee will be added to credit card transactions. A $1 bidder card is required to participate.