There are a number of ways you can volunteer your time to help us make PaizoCon@Fox Den a success. The main ways are listed below.
The more volunteers we have helping us, the less each individual needs to do. Even if you are just volunteering for a single shift, that helps everyone put on a good event.
Headquarters coordinates the activities at the convention. They will distribute the GM reporting sheets, lend out and reclaim the maps in the shared map library, report games and send out chronicles, answer questions, direct people to where they are GMing or playing, and handle questions.
Some of the most common questions are ‘what games still have seats open?’, ‘where is my game?’, and ‘what pregenerated character should I use?’
Run a game at the convention! Provided you volunteer at least two weeks before the convention, we can provide the scenario(s) to your Paizo account. You would be responsible for the maps, handouts, and other materials needed to run the game.
We do have a large library of maps that can be lent out, but you need to ask for them. Let us know which maps you would like to borrow. We need to allocate the maps across the whole convention.
We will have enough of the custom map used in the Starfinder and Pathfinder multi-table special for every table.
Set up basically requires you haul all the materials into Fox Den, get them placed so people can use them, set up the computer at Headquarters, place the tents at each table indicating what games are hosted there at what times, and other tasks involved in getting us ready.
Tear down means we pack it all up and haul it to the vehicles. Also do a check that nothing is missing and nothing needs to be cleaned up.
Fill out our volunteer form.