Pacificon Protospiel is a protospiel event being held within the Pacificon Game Expo near San Jose, California at the Santa Clara Marriott: September 2-5, 2016.
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http://pacificongameexpo.com This event is being coordinated by Luke Laurie and sponsored by the League of Gamemakers. The best games are yet to be made, and playtesting is vital to making great games.
http://www.leagueofgamemakers.com For the last two years, a similar event was held at the Celesticon game convention. These events were outstanding successes, with hundreds of hours of play testing occurring over the course of the weekend.
This event will be four days of playtesting, design, and opportunities to network and socialize. You may attend all of the days, or for any days that fit your schedule. In addition, you can spend part of your time playtesting, and part of your time just playing and having a good time.
Tables and game times for Pacificon Protospiel will not be assigned. This event is "free-range", so to speak. We will be building a list in advance of games and attendees to facilitate matching of interests and preferences. Sponsors will be providing prizes, prototyping supplies and other goodies.
We have a designated room for playtesting that's quiet and not in an exhibit hall, plus access to open gaming space in the convention. We'll have many designers and publishers to playtest, but also other convention attendees will be able to try your games and give feedback. This is a great chance for you to really get some solid work done on your games in a collaborative, supportive environment, with other skilled and experienced gamemakers.
What you should do now:
Register for Pacificon and consider lodgings at the host hotel if necessary: