Mountain Mania

Hey Game Gurus!

Greetings from the Mountain Mania organizing team! We invite you to submit your best role-playing, card games, and board games for our first annual tabletop convention. Space is limited and games are approved on a first-come, first-serve basis. We have dedicated spaces for role-playing, card games, and board games available.

Submission Details:

All Game Masters who submit to host 8 hours (or more) worth of combined games throughout the convention will get a free convention badge! Please use an email address that you check frequently.

Our main convention days will have 4-hour time windows available to submit for, if you have a game that will last longer than 4 hours we suggest submitting for the last slot of the day.

If you are interested in hosting a special event on Thursday, May 9th email us, we have select spaces available depending on the style of event we may be able to accommodate you.
