Midwest GameFest 2017

Apply to Exhibit and/or Sponsor


We are currently filled to capacity with great exhibitors, and are no longer accepting applications for more. Sponsorships are still available, however. If you didn't get a booth, consider a sponsorship!

We have a limited number of exhibitor spots and sponsorships available, so sign up early!


Exhibitor pricing, options, and information on prize donation credits is available on our Exhibitors page.

ยป Download Our Exhibitor Datasheet


Sponsorhip pricing, options, and information on prize donation credits is available on our Sponsorships page.


Login (or create an account) and create a new application below to let us know what you have in mind. Convention staff will follow up and discuss the details. If approved, you'll get an email with a link to come back, choose booths and options, and to complete payment.

Important: You will need a 2000x2000 pixel logo. If you don't have one available, you can download a placeholder.

Exhibitors can email us at exhibitors@midwestgamefest.org and Sponsors can email us at sponsorships@midwestgamefest.org or director@midwestgamefest.org.

Note: If you need to pay via invoice or check, fill out an Application for Invoice instead: Exhibitor Application for Invoice or Sponsorship Application for Invoice

For discounts, when you add the booth to your cart there is a text box for a discount code.


Part of your payment can be accepted in the form of tabletop gaming-related merchandise donated as prizes for our benefit raffle. We value prize donations at 25% MSRP for most items and 40% on current items; we can accept up to 50% of your total bill this way. Merchandise donated in this manner must be delivered upon arrival unless other arrangements are made. Details here

Use these codes

  • 10% exhibit10-2017
  • 20% exhibit20-2017
  • 30% exhibit30-2017
  • 40% exhibit40-2017
  • 50% exhibit50-2017

You must login or create an account to apply.