MayDay! Traveller Online Celebration 2022

MayDay! Traveller Online Celebration 2022

MayDay! Celebration 2022 (ONLINE)

Welcome to the 2022 MayDay! Celebration. An annual celebration of all things related to the role-playing game we all love... Traveller.

Come join us for live online interviews, virtual panels and online games. For fans... by fans.


Discord will be used as the main engine for communication. This is mandatory so we can organize the con and keep the GMs/Referees on time - so the next group can use their respective slots. You can join via this link HERE.

We are actively looking for GM's/Referees to offer role playing, card games, board games, and any other table top options for ONLINE play.

Feel free to schedule games anytime during the weekend of May 1st.

We are based in the CENTRAL TIME ZONE (CST) in the United States. If it is 6PM CST, then it is 7PM EST, and Midnight in the UK as an example.

Everyone that attends this celebration agrees to the Code of Conduct found HERE.

Event time slots are open starting at 12:00pm (Central) on Friday, April 29th, and the event concludes at 11:00pm (Central), Sunday, May 1st.


Badge Cost is $2.00 USD (+ fees) (Total is approximately $3.12 USD)

The payment system for Badges uses USD for credit card charges.

NOTE: Refunds are only available are through PayPal. No exceptions.


This event is brought to you by CyborgPrime Games, and Virtual Traveller - the guys that brought you: Virtual Traveller Weekend.



Badges Closed Tickets Closed

Merch Sales



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Convention Held On-Line

This is an online convention. Times are in your Helper Time Zone,local to you in {{ use_tz }} (UTC {{ '2022-04-29 17:00:00' | timezone_offset: use_tz }}), unless otherwise noted.