Impossible Realities 22 All Systems Repaired

Cosality at March to Oblivion 2023

Welcome to the this page that is dedicated to the Cosplayers that will make their appearance at All Systems Restored!

First up is our new Cosplay Coordinator, Damiana Markey!

Hello everyone, I’m Damiana Markey. This year is the year for new beginnings and Cosality has a new Organizer and Event Coordinator. I have been a cosplayer since 2014 and have fallen in love with the experience of getting into and embodying a character from fantasy/fiction. I started learning to sew due to the fact I have short legs and must hem most of my pants. I decided to try and sew some clothes and try my hand at making cosplays. I had the chance to meet lots of wonderful people at Impossible Realities in the past and am happy to take up the torch to re-ignite the cosplay community here and have fun with everyone.


Next, is Mae Cosplay!

I recently graduated high school. During my last year I became more and more into anime and all the fantastic characters that came along with it, especially Mitsuri because I relate a lot to her. I found myself becoming more intrigued with cosplaying and once I tried it, I was hooked. Mitsuri is my main cosplay, as well as her being my first, it’s also the one I feel most confident. I'm excited to meet more of the community.


Next is Silkah Cosplay!

Kayla has been creating costumes and cosplaying since 2011 under the name of Silkah Cosplay. She has recreated characters from various genres and types of pop culture, including television, anime, and video games, with her recent costumes including Inosuke (Demon Slayer), Zelda (Twilight Princess), and Sylvie (Loki). She travels throughout the Maritimes for conventions and has placed in many cosplay contests over the past year. Her favorite thing about cosplaying is taking a 2D image and figuring out how to bring it into the real world as accurately as possible. Her child is also an avid cosplayer and can often be found cosplaying alongside her. She can be found on Instagram under @SilkahCosplay


Next is Draven Hanlon (Prince of Plauges)!

Joining us from the wacky world of Tiktok is Draven Hanlon, aka Prince of Plagues. Draven has been a cosplayer since Animaritime 2013, and since then has cosplayed many pop cultural and anime icons such as: Tobi/Obito (Natuto), Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th), Papyrus (Undertale), and so many more. Although he continues to cosplay, he has found that his OC Prince of Plagues is his favourite. He travels the Maritimes with Damiana Markey looking to bring cosplay, and smiles to all he can.

His favorite part of cosplaying is the joy he feels when dawning his cosplay's persona, and in-turn, bringing beloved characters to the real world. You can find him on Tiktok and Instagram under @princeofplagues.
