Bolt Action - Singles Platoon


9AM Start

6pm END

General Information:

2nd Edition Bolt Action Rulebook and current FAQ and errata will be used.

Turret Jam will not be used.

There will be 3 rounds each lasting 2 1/2 hours. The Tournament Organizer will provide numerous time reminders.

Deadline for registering and submitting lists is midnight, 1 week prior to the event.

Painting and Modeling:

All models should have a minimum of three colors and 28mm scale.

Proxies will be allowed with prior approval of the Tournament Organizer. The player will be required to ensure that their opponent clearly understands the proxied models.

Army List:

Hint: use Column F to determine if something is allowed in a generic selector or not.

Note this is a community made list, not an official Warlord list, so there could be human error, but provides a good guide.

Not sure? Check with the TO.


Round One match-ups will be random.

From the second round, players will be paired using a Swiss system (i.e. matching players on the same amount of tournament points in descending order) In case of more than two players with the same number of tournament points, army points will be used as tiebreakers.

When two players are matched to play again or play on the same table, the Tournament Organizer may use their discretion to reassign a match or table. This does not apply to the top table in the last round.


Points will be awarded on the following basis:

Players should also keep track of how many enemy dice they destroy in the game. These results will be recorded as Army Points and used in tiebreakers.

Winning the Tournament:

The player with the most tournament points at the end of 3 rounds will be declared the winner.

In the case of a tie, the player with the most army points will be declared the winner.

In the case of tie in both tournament points and army points, the players will both be declared the winner and share the prize.
