HMGS-PSW Mini-Wars 2022 - Anaheim

HMGS-PSW Mini-Wars 2022 - Anaheim


Welcome to the 2022 Mini-Wars

In the 1970’s there was the first OrcCon at CSUF. And it was amazing. Over the decades the interest in tabletop gaming with miniatures or tabletop boards grew. There is no computer between you and your opponent, you are directly handling the game pieces and the conversations are memorable.

In 2022 we are teaming up with St. Crispin's Irregulars in Anaheim for two days of fun. There will be miniatures tournaments, demonstration games, a flea market and our Annual General Meeting.

Purchase a Badge for Saturday or Sunday for $10 (non-members pay $5 extra) or for the whole weekend for $20 (non-members pay $5 extra). Then order Tickets for the events you wish to register for at zero extra cost.

Please note: Due to complications in confirming the federal non-profit status of HMGS-PSW we were forced to change the venue for Mini-Wars 2022 to the (approximately 1,500 square foot) Hobby Day Hall in Anaheim. We have reduced Badge prices and the events are being re-entered. MiniWars 2022 will still be held. Our Non-Profit status should be cleared up soon, and then we can start working on the next convention.


Badges Closed Tickets Closed

Merch Sales



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Time zone: America/Los_Angeles (UTC {{ '2022-10-08 16:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Los_Angeles' }})


1127 North Anaheim Boulevard, Anaheim CA 92801

Contact Us

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Hobby Day Hall

1127 N Anaheim Blvd, Anaheim, CA 92801, USA

Time zone: America/Los_Angeles (UTC {{ '2022-10-08 16:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Los_Angeles' }})

  Driving Directions

  Web Site


Three miles North of Disneyland.