Character Growth? Elaborate interpersonal drama? HA! Pew Pew: Bounty Hunters in Space is about kicking some outlaw behind, cool explosions, and maybe even Laser Swords.
Event Number | 73 |
Event Type | {{}} |
Age Range | {{[] }} |
Maximum Tickets | 4 |
Cost | $0.00 |
Time Zone | America/Denver (UTC {{ '2023-01-13 19:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Denver' }}) |
Where & When (local to convention) |
Day 1 - Friday
{{ '2023-01-13 19:00:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }}
to {{ '2023-01-13 21:50:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }}
Table 1 in RPG Room 3 |
Special Event Designation | |
More Information | |
Hosts | |
Attendees |
{{ }}
Has Special Requests |
{{ request }}
Email Notification for Tickets List | {{}} will be notified by email of available tickets