You take the role of the owner of a huge fleet of ships, as many merchants and nobles flock to the port of Ostia to charter your ships. Use the money and resources you have gained from chartering your ships to expand your enterprise and meet the demand for wheat other commodities to win the hearts of the people. Using your ships to explore other countries is also essential. Your tales of adventure and the discovery of exotic artifacts will surely pique the curiosity of the emperor and nobles.
Event Number | 108 |
Event Type | {{}} |
Age Range | {{[] }} |
Maximum Tickets | 4 |
Cost | $0.00 |
Time Zone | America/Denver (UTC {{ '2023-01-13 21:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Denver' }}) |
Where & When (local to convention) |
Day 1 - Friday
{{ '2023-01-13 21:00:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }}
to {{ '2023-01-13 23:50:00' | amDateFormat: clock_format }}
Table 3 in Open Gaming (Interlocken Ballroom A) |
Special Event Designation | |
More Information | |
Hosts | |
Attendees |
{{ }}
Has Special Requests |
{{ request }}
Email Notification for Tickets List | {{}} will be notified by email of available tickets