Dice Fest 2023

DiceFest Event FAQ

How do I run a Fan Event at DiceFest?

Event submissions for DiceFest 2023 are now open. You can fill out the submission form at https://tabletop.events/conventions/dice-fest-2023/submit-events.

Fan-Run Events do not need to be games from Flying Frog Productions, but should be of interest to the DiceFest audience. They should be friendly and open to a wide audience and generally add to the fun of the show! We expect that most Fan Events will be gaming in nature, but there is certainly room for non-gaming events that are a good thematic match for the show. For example, you could have an event where you show how you make beautiful and detailed bases for your figures and provide materials for people attending your event to sit down and make a base with the group. This could get creative: Mega Games? Roleplaying? LARP? Last Night on Earth songwriting? A Touch of Evil Needlepoint?

Does the convention start on Thursday now?

On Thursday evening (October 26th) there will be a social event, a fan meet-up of some sort. Details are still being worked out.

Official convention hours, including scheduled games and panels, won't begin until Friday morning, but we wouldn't be surprised if an impromptu game or two happens during the Thursday night social.

I see that the show hours are listed starting each day at 12am. Does that mean the show starts at Midnight?!?

We are using Tabletop.Events to schedule all of the events for the show and the way that the Tabletop.Events system works, you have to set up show hours initially and then it is pretty rigid in that events can never be scheduled outside of those show hours. We have rented the hotel convention areas for 24 hours a day for the days of the show, so we set those as the show hours. There will be certain hours that the main game hall will be open (likely 10am-7pm, but the schedule is not yet finalized) but attendees will be able to play in some special events, fan-run events, open gaming areas, game library, etc around the clock for the rest of the time. It should be a fun weekend of wall-to-wall gaming!

Will there be a Painting Contest at DiceFest 2023?

Yes! Entry into the Painting Contest is FREE to attendees of DiceFest and you are allowed to enter one entry into each applicable category.

Details about the Painting Contest, including how to enter, the four categories you can enter, and a picture of last year's trophies for the winners, can now be found at https://tabletop.events/conventions/dice-fest-2023/pages/painting-contest5

Will there be a Costume Contest at DiceFest 2023?

Yes! Entry into the Costume Contest is FREE to attendees of DiceFest. Now you have an excuse to dress up as your favorite character.

*Details about the Costume Contest, including how to enter, can now be found at https://tabletop.events/conventions/dice-fest-2023/pages/costume-contest6

What is this year's DiceFest Exclusive Miniature?


The miniature will be included in Goody Box that comes will your 3-Day Adult or Early Bird badge. Additional miniatures will be available from the Flying Frog store at the convention, or online at our webstore, during the show.

Additional contents of the Goody Box will be announced closer to the show. Check https://tabletop.events/conventions/dice-fest-2023/pages/dicefest-2023-goody-box for the lastest updates.

I heard there's a Nerf Shooting Gallery?

Yes, we have built a Brimstone-themed Shooting Gallery where teams can shoot monsters with Nerf guns and compete for high scores and bragging rights. You can learn more at https://tabletop.events/conventions/dice-fest-2023/pages/shooting-gallery

Is there any place I can relax between games, ideally with an ice-cold rootbeer?

You are in luck! The Brimstone Saloon is the social hub of DiceFest. Learn more at https://tabletop.events/conventions/dice-fest-2023/pages/brimstone-saloon