Want to teach a game/be a Game Master (GM)?
If you are considering submitting events DO NOT purchase your pass. GM's will be able to register for events beginning 10/24/23.
Events with NO Additional Cost to Guests
We're seeking Game Masters (GMs) to run events. A minimum 8 hours of events is required to earn a GM Pass, those events may be a combination of times/days/event types. The deadline to submit events is 12/8/23, contingent on space, events submitted prior to 11/30/23 will receive priority.
Thank you for your interest in running events at the Dice and Diversions. Without amazing GM’s such as yourself, our show will not succeed. We hope participating in Dice and Diversions in this way is fun for you all as well!
Do NOT purchase your pass, one will be created for you when you reach the minimum required hours. Passes are not mailed in advance and may be picked up at convention Registration. If you have purchased your pass already, contact us and we will issue you a refund (excluding the fee that Tabletop events keeps).
8+ hours = Full weekend admission. 12+ hours = Full weekend admission, plus a D+D shirt
Additionally, all GMs will earn entries into our daily GM Drawings.
As a GM for any type of event you agree to run within the time you have requested, INCLUDING setup and tear down, tidy your event space before you leave and to vacate it in advance of the next event so they may set up.
Other Volunteer Hours: GM hours can be combined with other volunteer hours to earn the benefits above.