Connections Online 2024

Connections Online 2024

Distributed Wargaming -- Recent Lessons Learned

With the onset of COVID, distributed wargaming -- always of peripheral interest to the professional wargaming community, but rarely its focus -- suddenly took center stage. Thrown into the proverbial deep end of the pool, wargaming institutions adapted. Let's discuss how it happened, what worked, what didn't, and what we learned from the experience.

And what we do next time.


Core Events include (among others)

  • Distributed Wargaming Best Practices
  • Zenobia Awards
  • Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory Wargaming Division
  • International Kriegsspiel Society
  • Challenges with Online Multiplayer Events
  • Urban Warfare Wargaming: Past, Present, Future


CONNECTIONS ONLINE (CNX ONL) is the premier online/distributed conference for the wargaming practitioner community. This is our 4th annual conference (held in mid-April each year).

The conference is structured around 3 days of core events, covering 6 hours each. Outside of these core event hours, extended events may include additional seminars, game sessions, or social events.


Additional information, and past Connections Online archives, are hosted by the Armchair Dragoons.


Badges Closed Tickets Closed

Merch Sales



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Convention Held On-Line

This is an online convention. Times are in your Helper Time Zone,local to you in {{ use_tz }} (UTC {{ '2024-04-15 10:00:00' | timezone_offset: use_tz }}), unless otherwise noted.