Con of the North 2025


Game Masters (GMs) must be registered before their games will be scheduled. GMs have two registration choices, Game Master or Referee.

Registering as a Game Master costs the same as a Player registration and gives the attendee the ability to participate in other events at the convention. In addition, Game Masters who are fully paid and have their games submitted before the initial deadline for event submissions will be eligible for a premium of a discount off of their registration and a access to select the other events they'd like to participate in a week earlier than Players.

Registering as a Referee is $2. A Referee can only run their own events. Referees cannot play in other convention events, nor do they receive any of the premiums that Game Masters receive.

Events will not be scheduled until after the Game Master/Referee is registered.

To be included in the 1st round of Event Selection in mid November, games must be submitted by the event submission deadline and all Game Masters/Referees for the games must be fully registered by that time as well. Event proposals can be submitted until Jan, and they will be scheduled as time/space allows - we will make every effort to get your game scheduled before the convention.

Both Game Masters and Referees must agree to follow the GM Code of Conduct.


Refund Policy

The convention must receive a registration refund request message sent via the proper channels (, no later than the Friday of the start of the convention, in order to guarantee a refund. After this, refunds will only be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Finance Magnetron. Accepting your registration packet at the convention waives your option to seek a refund. Refunds will be paid out in a manner similar to how the registration was paid, and will be processed within 60 days of the request, and no later than the “After-Con Review” meeting (please check the convention timeline on the website for details about this meeting). Refunds will be up to the amount paid.

Under no circumstances will refunds be paid out at, or during the convention, or in cash.

Transfer Policy

The convention must receive a registration transfer request message sent via the proper channel (, no later than the Friday of the start of the convention, in order to process the transfer; after this, transfers will only be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Magnetron on Duty. This request must come from the person giving away their registration (transferor) and must contain the full registration details for the person receiving the registration (transferee). Accepting your registration packet at the convention waives your option to transfer your registration. NOTE: Additional items purchased with the original registration (shirts, etc.) will be transferred along with the registration. Any pre-purchased shirts may be exchanged, at the discretion of the Operations staff, for a shirt of a different size based on availability of the desired new size.