Chupacabracon 2021

Chupacabracon 2021

ChupacabraCon VII - April 30 - May 2, 2021

How to Attend the Convention

To attend the virtual convention, join our discord server. You will automatically drop into the registration desk channel. A volunteer will check your discord name against badges and assign you the permissions required to join the convention.

From there, find the “room” on the discord server listed for your game or panel. For example, if your game is in Bastrop at Table 2, click the Bastrop room and select “Bastrop-2-Voice” to join the voice channel. You can also join Bastrop-2-text to use the chat function.

We are using Discord for voice and video for all events; however, some GMs are also using another platform such as Roll 20 to share maps etc.

About the Convention

Chupacabracon is the premiere tabletop RPG and board game convention in the greater Austin area.

2020 proved to be a tough year for everyone. Between fires, snow storms, a contentious political landscape, and a global pandemic, we've all been through a lot. But, for us, the worst thing was the cancellation of cons throughout the world, not least of all, Chupacabracon 2020. We were so looking forward to our Cyberpunk themes event and seeing all of our guests and attendees again.

Well, 2021 has not quite shaken the 2020 ills. As we wait for the world to get vaccinated, we are taking Chupacabracon to the Net. Chupacabracon VII is totally virtual this year. We will still be having all of the fun gaming and panels this year, just on-line, rather than in person.

The convention is run by nonprofit foundation Austin Creative Pathways benefiting Extra Life whose mission is to unite thousands of gamers around the world to play games in support of their local Children's Miracle Network Hospital.

ChupacabraCon is a small event, pulling visitors from around the country. We are known for having an unusually high number of professional guests for an event at our size. We routinely host 25 to 30 industry guests including designers and authors of many of the top RPGs. Being a small event of less than 1000 attendees, this is a unique opportunity to meet your favorite designers, many of whom run their games at ChupacabraCon.

We also host many special events at the convention. D&D Adventure's League and Pathfinder Society regularly host unique, special events at our little convention. We have also hosted Savage Saturday Night every year from our inception. This is an evening of games run by the authors of Deadlands, East Texas University, Savage Rifts, and many other Savage Worlds settings. We typically host an interactive celebrity game, where audience members can pledge to the charity for the opportunity to shape the story, make the rolls for the celebrity players, and otherwise make their session more interesting.

2021 Pro Guests:

Alan Bahr, Sean Tait Bircher, Robin English-Bircher, Clint Black, Jodi Black, Jeb Boyt, Aaron Burkett, Mark Carroll, Jamie Chambers, Scott Crosson, Jason Durall, Tim Earley, Sean Patrick Fannon, James "Pigeon" Fielder, Mark Finn, BJ Hensley, Kenneth Hite, Karl Keesler, Matthew Keyes, Tammy Keyes, James Lowder, Jess Nevins, Aaron de Orive, Ted Pick Jr, O.C. "Opti" Presley, Jennifer Shinefeld, Dan Smith, Michael Surbrook, Jared Twing, Darren Watts, Cory Williamsen, and Rusty Zimmerman.

ChupacabraCon is dedicated to a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. Our anti-harassment policy and terms of purchase (including rules and regulations) can be found in our Code of Conduct. While this year's convention may be virtual, the rules still apply. We want everyone to have a fun, relaxing experience.

Convention Contacts:


Professional Guests




The Chango Store


Badges Closed Tickets Closed

Merch Sales



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Time zone: America/Chicago (UTC {{ '2021-04-30 13:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Chicago' }})


Austin, Texas

Contact Us

Web Site






Discord Server

Texas, USA

Time zone: America/Chicago (UTC {{ '2021-04-30 13:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Chicago' }})

  Driving Directions

We're taking Chupacabracon digital this year. after you've purchased a badge, come join us in our Discord server by following this link: Join the Chupacabracon Discord Server!