BSer Con 2 - ONLINE

BSer Con 2 - ONLINE

BSer Con is an online tabletop role-playing game convention organized by the rpg podcast Gaming and BS for their community members known affectionately as BSers.

*The term 'Electric Boogaloo' here is a call-back to the 1984 film Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo, not the anti-government movement.

Everyone that shares our outlook on the hobby is welcome to participate in BSer Con. Our mantra is 'Be a positive force in the ttrpg hobby' if that helps. :-)

Half or our proceeds will go towards this year's charity - Leukemia Lymphoma Society.

Games that BSers are running varies and more are being added each day. Seminars are welcome. A virtual paint room will be in place! Paint a mini and chill with other BSers.


January 20 - 22, 2023


Online - Discord available, but up to GM to choose video/audio and VTT option


One fee - $10

  • Single day or multiple days, cost is same
  • Nov 1 - noon CT/6pm GMT - badge registration open

Register for badge here.


No additional cost, badge required

Click here to view available events

Event submission

Begins November 1st - a badge must be purchased first!

Event submission will remain open up until the first day of the convention - January 20th.

Submit event here.

Event registation

  • December 3rd - opens at noon CT, 6pm GMT

We hope you join us, meet some new friends and try some new games.

Helpful Links

Join our Discord

BSer Con 2 Forum on Discord

Con Help and Support Discord channel

Follow and Hashtag

Follow us on Twitter and use the hashtag #BSerCon !



Badges Closed Tickets Closed

Merch Sales



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Times are local to you ({{ use_tz }}).

Convention Held On-Line

This is an online convention. Times are in your Helper Time Zone,local to you in {{ use_tz }} (UTC {{ '2023-01-20 06:00:00' | timezone_offset: use_tz }}), unless otherwise noted.

Contact Us


‪(929) 244-3423‬
