Barrage 2024

ADLG Tournament - Saturday

15mm, Open Tournament, 200pts, 3 rounds

$5.00 fee for trophy


Flames of War Tournament - Friday

Mid War

Flames of War Mid-War 100 point Tournament


More Information Redirecting...

Flames of War Tournament - Saturday

Operation Overlord Flames of War

100pts Late War tournament.

Books limited to D-Day books, Soviet Bagration, Axis Allies Bagration, and Fortress Europe.

Two formations max. If taking two formations one must be an infantry formation the other an armor formation. In the spirit of the 80th anniversary of D-Day and the most recent compendium book, armies entirely from D-Day books formations and support will receive 1 extra VP! (D-Day German, D-Day Waffen SS, D-Day American, D-Day British)

List submission to Ben Hayes by September 20th Three rounds 2.5hrs each red vs blue format round one. Swiss pairings round 2 and 3. A ringer army will be provided in the event of an odd number of players.


Painted armies are encouraged but not required. 3D printed models are allowed. Infantry and gun teams must use correct size bases. Proxie models are allowed within reason. Example: A panzer IV cannot proxy for a Tiger I.

ROOKIE RULES IN PLAY!!! Any new or newer player that wants to learn the game can play and will be matched with a veteran player for a “teaching and learning” experience. The vets job is to teach you how to play the game, not crush you!! If you are brand new and want to learn the game let us know and we’ll provide you with an army to play and give you FREE admission. Players ranked 50 or higher or who have ever won a FOW tournament will not play a rookie in round 1.

Awards For:

  1. Best Sport

  2. Best Painted

  3. 1st Place Victory Points.

  4. Dunkirk

Player prize support welcomed and encouraged.