Barrage 2022

ADLG Tournament - Saturday

15mm, Open Tournament, 200pts, 3 rounds

$5.00 fee for trophy


Flames of War Tournament - Friday

Mid War, 60 Points

Single formation. All current books are valid.

Can use the official unofficial cards found here =

Extended Battleplans will be used.

Your force will have to Attack, Maneuver, Defense at least once. Everyone will get a reroll token to reroll a mission once per the event.

Rounds will be 1 Hour and 45 Minutes long. Due to late start of the event, it is encouraged that everyone eat prior to arriving.

If you submit your list to by September 19th, you will receive +1 Victory Point.

Flames of War Tournament - Saturday

Late War, 150 Points

120 Points must be spent on Tank Teams Front Armor 3 and higher. Cards used to modify formations, either adding or subtracting points, are included in this 120.

Mission Selection will be based on a D6 using the chart below. Attacker will be determined by a D6 with the high score being the attacker.

  1. Counterattack
  2. Dust-Up
  3. Encirclement
  4. Spearpoint
  5. Valley of Death
  6. Outflanked

You can use a token to re-roll a mission once during the event.

If you submit your list to by September 19th, you will receive +1 Victory Point.