Arnecon I

Arnecon I

Welcome to the first ever Arnecon™ gaming convention!

Brought to you by The Fellowship of the Thing, Ltd - creators of the film, Secrets of Blackmoor and the book, The Lost Dungeons of Tonisborg.

...After all, the keynote is, that ‘Anything is Possible’, just that some [things] are more likely than others.”- David Arneson

Officially sanctioned by the Estate of Dave Arneson

Set in an intimate locale, Arnecon is a gathering honoring the creative genius of Dave Arneson, Co-Creator of Dungeons & Dragons, and his game group, The Blackmoor Bunch. It is a panoply of game experiences - featuring miniatures war-games, board games, and role playing games.

Come game with the people who were there when Role Playing was invented. This is shaping up to be the biggest meeting of the original "Blackmoor Bunch" in many years!

A celebration of the friendships formed through gaming - where everyone is welcome and "anything is possible".

Come, try a new game, make new friends, and explore the unlimited possibilities of gaming. Most of all - have fun!


Reserve your chair at the game table for your ArneCon events now!

If you already have a badge, pick your events from the schedule now. If you don’t have a badge, get one now!

Get your room now - there's limited availability of special Arnecon rates here.

Special Guests:

Malia Arneson - Dave Arneson’s daughter.

David Wesely - A half-elf in Blackmoor. Known for Strategos - An adaptation of Totten’s Strategos; The American game of war, The Braunstien RPG, Valley Forge, and Co-author of Source of the Nile.

David Megarry - The first thief character ever in a RPG. Known for creating Dungeon! Fantasy Board Game.

Paul Stormberg - Owner, The Collector's Trove, and Creator of the Legends of Wargaming & Legends of Roleplaying.

Ken Fletcher - Fur-Elf Hedge-Wizard & Bonsai-Cartooner. A staff artist at Dave Arneson's Adventure Games company, and sci-fi and fantasy fan (semi-retired).

Ross Maker - The worlds first Dwarf character in Blackmoor. Co-author of Source of the Nile.

Stephen Rocheford - The High Priest of the Temple of the Frogs, Owner of Lavender Magazine, Minnesota’s premier LGBTQ+ news source.

Gail Gaylord - The first woman to play fantasy RPGs. Known for having typed development drafts of Dungeons & Dragons for Dave Arneson.

Martin Noetzel - The Wandering Elf in Blackmoor and a keen fan of online RPGs.

Event Submissions Open Now!

Just Announced:

Special Events Schedule

When and where to game with our Special Guests, plus book signing sessions.

Featured Gaming Events

Early RPG's: Braunstein (W/David Wesely), Blackmoor & Greyhawk (w/Paul Stormberg), & Tonisborg (with D.H. Boggs & Griffith Morgan)

Wargames: Strategos-N (w/Ross Maker), Chainmail (with Paul Stormberg), Battle in the Skies & Fletcher Pratt Naval (with Griffith Morgan)

Board games: Dungeon! (with David Megarry)

The PLATO Early Computing Room

where you can try many of the games from the 1970's that spawned the computer games industry. Dnd8won.png

Still more to come...


Badges Closed Tickets Closed

Merch Sales



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Time zone: America/Chicago (UTC {{ '2023-10-20 22:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Chicago' }})


Minneapolis, Minnesota

Contact Us


(303) 872-7666


DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Minneapolis - Park Place

1500 Park Pl Blvd, Minneapolis, MN 55416, USA

Time zone: America/Chicago (UTC {{ '2023-10-20 22:00:00' | timezone_offset: 'America/Chicago' }})

  Driving Directions

  Web Site

  (952) 542-8600