Event Dates: 11/06 - 11/08
Location: CyberSpace - we're going virtual
Hotel: N/A unless you just wanna travel first.
Event Registration: Mid October
VIP registration will open Mid October (October 17th at 3:00 PM EST)
General Registration opens a week later (October 24th at 3:00 PM EST)
Running Games: Submissions Open October 1st
Submission deadline is November 1st, 2020
We at The RPG Academy podcast have had the extreme good fortune of building a community of wonderful gamers that listen to our podcast and want to play games with us. More than anything, we thrive on interacting with our listeners and fans. This is the true purpose of AcadeCon. In addition to playing games with friends, both old and new, AcadeCon offers almost unprecedented access to some amazing RPG designers, authors, and some of your favorite podcasting personalities. At AcadeCon, these people are there to have fun and play games, just like you. Join into one of their events and don’t be surprised if they join into one of yours!
If you’re still not convinced that AcadeCon is the place for you, please consider our motto: Gaming with friends, old and new!
If that sounds like something you’d like to support then this is the place for you. Please be aware - other than the limited number of VIP badges -we are not selling any actual badges through this project. We will be using another on-line service to sell the badges later in the year.
AcadeCon is specifically designed to be a smaller, non-traditional convention. We are not trying to (nor do we want to) compete with or replace the huge conventions that attract a national audience. At our convention, you're going to get access to some of the most amazing GMs and players from all over, a better chance to play in the games you want, the opportunity to spend time and game with special guests, and time to hang out with some of the best gamers in the world—the fans of our show!
Whether you are one of our listeners, are interested in meeting and playing with some of our special guests, or just found us by accident, we hope you'll consider donating to the cause.
AcadeCon is an inclusive gaming event open to gamers of all types. Every attendee will be subject to our Code of Conduct and Terms of Service.
Dayton Ohio
The Internet
921 N Lynn Riggs Blvd, Claremore, OK 74017, USA